Date Posted... Dec 12th 2024
It was the grand finale of the term for the WAA Creative Club’s creative writing and screenplay endeavours. All participants from 1st Year to Upper Sixth had the chance to view the screenplay projects they have been working on over the past term.
The group was joined by award-winning local author and writer Ms Emily Barr, who has been leading them through this process and sharing her skills and experience as a writer and screenwriter. Ms. Barr has many published Young Adult books to her name, including This Summer’s Secrets and Ghosted.
She explained that over the weeks, they had discussed writing in its many forms, examined story structure, and emphasised the importance of an inciting incident to kick things off. They planned their short films together in small groups, scripting, structuring and then producing their stories.
Each group chose their own style and topic, ranging from stop-motion animation, a hand-drawn animation to a story about a heist and a murder in the dark. The groups clearly enjoyed producing and directing as well as watching them all together in the library with popcorn. A special mention goes to 2nd Year Jasper, who has provided fantastic technical support in making the films and helping with the editing.
Miss Husband said, ‘Emily’s enthusiasm was infectious. It was wonderful to see the students showcase their creativity, flair and writing skills. The final films were an absolute triumph and testimony to all their outstanding efforts.’
A big thank you to the library team for organising this Wednesday Afternoon Activity. A selection of Emily Barr’s Books are available to borrow from the school library.