Date Posted... Nov 14th 2024
Our Sixth Form debating club travelled to Colyton Grammar School in East Devon on Monday, to take part in this year’s English Speaking Union Mace Debate.
Our team of Sophie D, Jess B and Izzy P made up an opposition team, arguing against the motion that ‘We should build on the green belt’. Their research, preparation, presentation and teamwork was exemplary and, while they did not break through to the next round, were assured that it was a uniquely strong field this year. They had some excellent, detailed feedback on techniques of rebuttal and responsiveness which they will carry into the next competition – the Oxford Schools’ Debate – in the new year.
Special mention, too, for Harry E and Vlad K, who came along as supporters, but who volunteered to become a ‘swing team’ when another competing school couldn’t make it. They had 20 minutes to prepare an opposition to the motion ‘This house would implement a four-day week in schools’. They showed great courage and energy in each giving 7-minute speeches, from scratch, and presenting them very persuasively and engagingly to a crowded floor.
Congratulations to everyone involved, and a special thank you to Ms. Selvey for accompanying the team. The Sixth Form debating club meets on Thursday lunchtimes and they are already hard at work preparing for the Oxford Schools’ Debate.