
Date Posted... Jun 19th 2024

Sports Day Triumph for Wickett

Excitement and anticipation filled the air at Truro School as pupils, staff, and parents gathered for the annual Sports Day. This year’s event was particularly significant as it marked a historic victory for Wickett House, who clinched the Sports Day title for the first time in many years.

The afternoon was packed with thrilling finals in the 100m, 200m, and 800m races. The School’s four houses – Smith, School, Vinter and Wickett- competed in a bid for glory, with individual winners awarded medals on the Podium. Relay events added to the day’s excitement, with each house giving their all.

As the points were tallied, the atmosphere was electric with anticipation. When the final scores were announced, Wickett House emerged as the overall winner.

Truro School Head, Mr Andy Johnson praised all the participants for their sportsmanship and determination and gave a special thanks to the grounds team for the exceptionally presented track, before congratulating Wickett House on their historic win.

Well done to everyone who took part in all the activities throughout the day and thank you to all the parent spectators who cheered the racers on!