Date Posted... Jan 17th 2020
It has already been a very busy year for our Debating Society: having put in plenty of practice in the first half term, it was wonderful to see Sam, Alex and Ella go through to the second round of the ESU Mace Schools Debating Competition after their victory at Hele’s school, opposing the motion, This house would make voting compulsory. Finley, Anna and Victoria also put up an excellent fight as our swing team, opposing the motion, This house would oppose trial by Jury.
Exploring the philosophy and practicalities of trial by jury has been at the centre of our other main focus this term – the Independent Schools’ Mock Trials Competition. We have formed our team of ten, familiarised ourselves with the cases and our roles and spent a fascinating morning at Truro Crown Court. Although there was not a great deal of ‘action’ in court, Judge Carr and Judge Linford generously gave their time for fascinating Q and A sessions and Judge Stone joined us for tea and cake at the end of the day to talk through our cases and to answer queries about a career in the Legal profession. Much food for thought!
This term is full of opportunities for our students to put their skills and research to the test – the ESU Mace, Mock Trial and Oxford Schools’ Debating competitions are imminent: please see below for dates.
We are incredibly fortunate to have such a great range of professionals happy to give us their time and expertise and are proud of the excellent levels of commitment and organisation our students have shown so far.
We wish them all the best of luck.
Ms Selvey
Wednesday Afternoon Debating – 2pm in Room 32
Friday Lunchtime Debating – 1pm in Room 32
Wed 15th Jan
Independent Schools Mock Trial Competition
Visiting barrister Emma Cross
Coaching Session
Fri 17th Jan
Independent Schools Mock Trial Competition
Visiting barrister Philip Lee
Coaching Session
Fri 24th Jan
Independent Schools Mock Trial Competition
Visiting barrister Philip Lee
Coaching Session
Fr1 31st Jan – Sat 1st Feb
Independent Schools Mock Trial Competition
The Courts of Justice, London Road, Southampton
Depart 3pm Assembly Hall
Oxford Union Schools’ Debating Competition
Kings School, Taunton