I find it difficult to comprehend that this time last year I was shaking hands with business people at Chamber networking events, rooms filled with hundreds of people.
The way we do business has changed dramatically – but we’re still doing it, and that’s the important thing. We’ve found new ways to adapt and the future is – in my opinion, bright for Cornwall as a result of these changes.
A bleak January day in Lockdown was cheered by the news that The Duchy will be hosting the G7 Summit in June. In my opinion, this is a pivotal moment for Cornwall and the summit will be an important catalyst for positive change here.
I totally understand that people have reservations about an event of such magnitude coming to Cornwall. Yes, there will be three days of protestors, road closures, and measures which might make those living in the vicinity feel pushed out.
However, there are huge positives. Aside from the immediate benefit to our tourism sector, which is so desperately in need of a boost, this summit has the potential to transform Cornwall for our children and the generations to come who want to live and work in The Duchy.
The G7 will focus on a ‘greener and more prosperous future’. Cornwall is home to ground-breaking projects that could revolutionise the way business will look in the twenty-first century.
Boris didn’t just stick a pin in the map; the incredible work being done here and the potential that exists makes Cornwall the place to talk about renewable energy, top quality agriculture, fishing, and digital infrastructure.
The global focus on climate change plays to Cornwall’s strengths. The future of industry will be about harnessing energy from the sea, creating products naturally from what we have, and living off the land. Refreshingly, all the documentaries about Cornwall I’ve watched recently have focused on how great we are at all these things – rather than once again portraying us as a seaside resort with zero business acumen.
I genuinely believe that this conference will make positive moves towards building careers for Cornish children in industries that work in harmony with the values and strengths of Cornwall and offer fantastic prospects.
We need to harness the interest in The Duchy, keep momentum going and stake our claim on inward investment to enable us to do what we do best, in order to support the next generation.
Kim Conchie
Deputy Lieutenant
CEO Cornwall Chamber of Commerce
Mar 13th 2025
Mar 6th 2025
Mar 5th 2025
Mar 4th 2025