The Methodist Independent Schools Trust (MIST) is responsible for 14 schools (nine Trust Schools and five Acquired Schools). MIST also actively works with three Associated Schools and three Affiliated Schools in England/Wales. MIST is affiliated with one international school based in Dubai.
Methodism has a distinctive approach to education, embodying clear Christian values. This stems from the beliefs that have been at the heart of Methodism since its foundation by John and Charles Wesley in the eighteen century.
The Methodist Church is engaged in education as part of its Christian mission in the world. Methodist Schools seek to reflect a Methodist ethos and contribute to diversity in education. Truro School belongs to a family of schools which includes the Methodist Associate Schools (MAST), the Epworth Trust schools and the Methodist Independent Schools Trust (MIST.) MIST is an attractive group of schools because it respects the local contexts in which its schools operate, delegating operational control to the schools while offering support, advice and investment centrally.
The MIST office is based at 66 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3LH. In addition to servicing the needs of the Trust itself, the office provides opportunities for the schools to work more closely together. Key elements of this include an annual Schools Conference, termly meetings of Heads and Chairs of Governors, a Chaplains’ Conference and specialist day events for other staff e.g. safeguarding, global education, legal and financial guidance.
MIST Trustees are drawn from various professions and offer the Trust considerable experience and commitment.
Schools vary in size (Woodhouse Grove School and Truro School have over 1000 pupils, whereas Shebbear College has over 300 pupils). Most schools in the group are co-educational offering continuity of education for both boys and girls. Some schools (like Kent College Pembury) are for girls only. The majority of schools also offer a boarding education, further details about day and boarding opportunities are available directly from the schools.
All schools provide financial support to help parents of various backgrounds with the schools fees. Details of local bursaries and scholarships are available by contacting the schools directly.
In addition to local arrangements, MIST administers a Methodist Bursary Fund which offers specific financial support to children from Methodist families at any senior school within the group. The Methodist Bursary Fund enables children from Methodist families attend the schools as day pupils or boarders.
John Wesley told the first Methodist teachers to always remember that ‘an ounce of love was worth a pound of knowledge’ and his challenge to teacher and pupil alike was this:
‘Do all the good you can
By all the means you can
In all the ways you can
In all the places you can
At all the times you can
To all the people you can
As long as ever you can.’
That still remains our challenge today and why we see our schools aspiring to be beacons of inclusive excellence developing confident, tolerant, and enthusiastic young people who enjoy working with others and are ready to influence the world.
Methodism has a distinctive approach to education, embodying clear Christian values. This stems from the beliefs that have been at the heart of Methodism since its foundation by John and Charles Wesley in the eighteen century. That is why we:
Methodist Independent Schools Trust (MIST) Registered Office: 66 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3LH Charity No. 1142794. Company No. 7649422. To contact MIST, please email or telephone 020 7935 3723.
Our school motto, Esse Quam Videri (to be, rather than to seem to be), captures the essence of our identity and is defined by the 5 C's below. Underpinned by strong Christian principles, we are a caring and inclusive community which values, nurtures and develops each individual.
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