
Nursery FAQs

What does Nursery mean at Truro School Prep?

This is the section of the school for pupils aged 3 to 4 years old.

At what age can my child start in the Nursery?

Children can join at the start of term after their 3rd birthday, either September, January or after the Easter holidays.

Are there taster days for Nursery?

Yes. Taster days happen in the 1/2 term prior to your child joining. You and your child will be invited to attend taster days as an introduction to school life, during which you will be able to discuss your child’s needs with the staff.

How much or how little can my child attend the Nursery?

Pupils may join the Nursery for a minimum of two full days per week up to full time. The number of days can be increased during the course of the year. The exact arrangements can be discussed prior to joining and will depend very much on each individual child and their ability to cope with the academic and social demands of school.

Do the children learn a foreign language?

Yes. Truro School Nursery pupils discover the concept of languages at the youngest of ages by learning basic Spanish. This all takes place before progressing on to learn French in Reception with our specialist language teachers.

Do you offer swimming and, if so, how often will my child have swimming lessons?

Yes. We have our own heated indoor pool on site. Nursery pupils are timetabled to swim twice a week.

Do the children have music lessons?

Yes. Each class has one music lesson per week.

Do you have an Early Birds’ Club and an After School Care Club?

Our Early Birds’ Club is available for nursery pupils in the dining hall from 7.45am. Supervision is free and optional breakfast items are available for children who require it. The breakfast menu and charges can be viewed on our Catering pages. For those who are not eating, there will be simple games and activities.

There is an After School Care Club that runs from 3.45pm to 5.30pm and is held in the Pre-Prep building where a variety of activities are available. There is a supervision charge for this; pupils can also order a packed tea for them to take away for the journey home.

At 5.30pm, all pupils still at the club will be brought across to the Dining Hall to join the Supper Club, from where they should be collected. Supper Club starts at 5.30pm and continues until 6.15pm. There is a supervision charge made for all children who attend for any part of this time.

More information about our Wraparound Care can be found in the Parent Handbook.

Do you cater for pupils who require special diets and do your menus include foods from other world cultures?

We have a fantastic in-house catering team who will do their best to meet any special dietary needs the pupils may have. The menus are designed to reflect different world cultures.  There is always a vegetarian option available.

Who helps my child choose a balanced meal?

The teachers, assistants and kitchen staff will all encourage the pupils to make sensible choices.  Parents are given the menus and may indicate to the teacher their child’s preferences for each day.

Does my child have to wear school uniform?

Yes. All pupils wear an age appropriate version of the school uniform.

I want my child to come to this school, what do I need to do?

Come and visit us. We run Open Days each year and welcome you to informal guided tours on most Tuesday mornings, or you can make an appointment to have a tour with the EYFS Coordinator. We would be delighted to see you and your children. For more information, please email

I have already visited the school. What do I do now?

Please contact the Head’s PA and Prep Admissions, Mrs Simone Weston on 01872 243 120 or via email The first step in the process for any admission is to complete and return the registration form using the link below, along with a registration fee which is non-refundable. With certain year groups nearing or at capacity, we are happy to answer any queries relating to our registration process. Applications for future years are also very welcome; they will be acknowledged and parents will continue to receive updates until detailed information is required about the entry process.

Does returning a registration form guarantee my child a place?

No. There may be a waiting list for your child’s class. We will, however, immediately confirm in writing whether your child has secured a place or been placed on a waiting list.

Further information about Truro School Nursery can be obtained from Ms Kate Williams, EYFS Coordinator Tel: 01872 272616 or Ms Simone Weston, Head’s Secretary/Admissions Tel: 01872 243120.

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