We believe in offering busy parents full flexibility with childcare and offer wraparound care supervised by our school staff that covers our Nursery through to Year 2 pupils.
Our Breakfast Club is available for pupils in the dining hall from 7.45am. Supervision is free and there are simple games and activities available. The breakfast menu (optional and subject to additional charges) can be viewed on our Catering pages.
There is an After School Care Club that runs from 3.45pm to 5.30pm and is held in the Pre-Prep building where a variety of activities are available. There is a small supervision charge for this.
At 5.30pm, all pupils still at the club will be brought to the Dining Hall to join the Supper Club. Supper Club starts at 5.30pm and continues until 6.15pm. There is a supervision and catering charge made for all children who attend for any part of this time.
More information about our Wraparound Care can be found in the Parent Handbook.
Our school motto, Esse Quam Videri (to be, rather than to seem to be), captures the essence of our identity and is defined by the 5 C's below. Underpinned by strong Christian principles, we are a caring and inclusive community which values, nurtures and develops each individual.
Click on the links below to find out more.