Every student that attends Truro School automatically joins the Truro School Association (TSA) upon leaving. The TSA was officially established in August 1895, when it was known originally as the Old Boys’ Association. Times have changed and for many years now the TSA has been made up of amazing ladies and gentlemen who form our Old Truronians and share the mutual bond that is Truro School. Our alumni are spread far and wide across the globe and some are closer to home. No matter where they are we are extremely proud of them and remain interested in what they are doing.
The Development Office and TSA Committee’s aims are to:
In order to help pupils keep in contact as well as providing networking opportunities, the Development Office produces regular publications and arranges a regular calendar of social events.
A termly publication, sent digitally at the end of each school term containing a round-up of the terms events, including feature articles about the brilliant lives and careers our former pupils have gone on to achieve, OT sports events and reports plus much more.
LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook – @OldTruronians
The Development and Alumni Relations team hosts and organises a range of OT events. For more information, please visit our events page.
To update your contact details, to subscribe to our newsletters or request reunion information, please e-mail tsconnections@truroschool.com or telephone 01872 246010.