
Keep in Touch

The Development and Alumni Relations office would be delighted to hear from you. Whether you simply wish to update your details or can spare 10 minutes to complete our interview questionnaire to be featured in an Old Truronian publication, use the links below to keep in touch. We look forward to hearing from you.

The best way to contact us is by email at

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Our Pledge

Truro School values your privacy and is committed to protecting any information that you supply which will be held on the School database.

  • We do not sell or share any personal information to third parties.
  • We always store your personal details securely.
  • We endeavour to take all reasonable steps to ensure the security of all information that we hold, and to keep this information accurate and up to date.  In order to do this we would, therefore be very grateful if you could keep us informed of any changes to your personal information or circumstances.
  • From time to time we mention names in our newsletter if a classmate is recounting memories of their school days, we however never provide contact details to anybody who may wish to get in touch with you without your express permission. If you do not want your name mentioned in the future, please let us know – we are available at

In the ways you indicate, we will use your details to provide you with:

  • Information on the work of the Truro School Foundation (TSF), including campaign news along with invitations to events and functions. TSF Charity Number: 1070969 (TSF will abide by the Code of Fundraising Practice created by the Fundraising Regulator.)
  • News, invitations and event information from Truro School Former Pupils Association (TSA) including the termly magazine. TSA Charity Number: 290852