Would you like to feature in a Keeping Connected or the The Truronian magazine?
Thank you for engaging with the Development Team. Our publications are designed for our community and we rely upon the stories and interactions from our audience to create the articles and features contained therein, so we thank you for your participation which is enormously appreciated.
Please find below a list of questions. We will use this information to create a draft article.
It helps us greatly if you include as much detail as you feel able to, resulting in a more interesting and personal feature. Please feel free to add additional information you feel might be of interest to our readers (mainly other Old Truronians). Articles are often more interesting when we use quotes from the subject, therefore we may use some of the information you provide as a direct quote.
Once you have finished the questionnaire, we would appreciate some good quality photographs (maximum of five if you wish) which we can use to accompany the feature (we may not use them all but will choose the one(s) we feel most compliment the article).
Please take a moment to read our Publication Guidelines.
Please be aware that articles may need to be amended to comply with space restrictions in our publications and the School’s editorial and safeguarding policies.