
Friends of Truro School

The Friends of Truro School (FTS) is designed to bring the strong and inclusive community of Truro School parents, pupils and teachers together. All parents and/or guardians of pupils at Truro School are full members of the FTS.

The FTS works to enrich our children’s school experience, strengthen the school community, raise funds to help enhance the facilities of the school and ensure that our children get the most out of their time here. Thank you very much for your support and we look forward to seeing you at events around the school.

Year Group Reps

The FTS is the link between parents and the school community across the Senior and Prep Schools. In the Prep, we have Class Reps and in the Senior, we have Year Group Reps. These Reps will be the first point of contact for you for the ‘other’ (non education related), practical and social aspects of Truro School life, such as uniform, lost property, getting to know other parents, local area information, etc. A list of the Class and Year Group Reps and their email addresses is available from the school office or via email

Year Group Facebook Pages

We have also created Facebook Pages for each Year Group. These can be found if you search for the following:

Nursery and Prep Facebook PagesSenior and Sixth Facebook Pages
Truro Prep Nursery Parents 2024/25Truro School 1st Year Parents 2024/25
Truro Prep Reception Parents 2024/25Truro School 2nd Year Parents 2024/25
Truro Prep Year 1 Parents 2024/25Truro School 3rd Year Parents 2024/25
Truro Prep Year 2 Parents 2024/25Truro School 4th Year Parents 2024/25
Truro Prep Year 3 Parents 2024/25Truro School 5th Year Parents 2024/25
Truro Prep Year 4 Parents 2024/25Truro School Lower 6th Parents 2024/25
Truro Prep Year 5 Parents 2024/25Truro School Upper 6th Parents 2024/25
Truro Prep Year 6 Parents 2024/25

Please ask to be a member and answer the membership questions to be allowed access. If you don’t have Facebook then please just liaise through the Class or Year Group Rep, or email

FTS Events

The FTS organises regular events at the Prep and Senior Schools – past events include the Quiz and Curry night, the Fun Triathlon, the Christmas and Summer Fairs and the Cream Tea Stall at the Truro School Sports Day. If you would like to help out at events or get involved with the FTS, or for any other information, please send an email to

Please note, dates may be subject to change. Please visit the Truro School Calendar or keep an eye on the Weekly Bulletin for up-to-date listings.

If you would like to make contact or if you would like to get involved with the FTS, please contact the FTS at

FTS Gallery

The Truro School Identity

Our school motto, Esse Quam Videri (to be, rather than to seem to be), captures the essence of our identity and is defined by the 5 C's below. Underpinned by strong Christian principles, we are a caring and inclusive community which values, nurtures and develops each individual.

Click on the links below to find out more.