
Latest Truro School News

Sep 27th 2022

European Day of Languages
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  • Prep

Sep 27th 2022

Curiosity in Co-Curricular at Prep
  • Clubs and Activities
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  • Prep

Sep 23rd 2022

A Weekend of Fun in Boarding
  • Boarding
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Sep 22nd 2022

A Fantastic Afternoon at Prep
  • Clubs and Activities
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  • Prep

Sep 22nd 2022

Scootathon Fun in Pre-prep
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  • Prep

Sep 22nd 2022

First House Assemblies Spur School Spirit
  • Clubs and Activities
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  • Senior School

Sep 22nd 2022

Good Advice from Former Head Girl Georgia
  • Alumni
  • Careers
  • Latest
  • Senior School
  • Sixth Form
  • Sixth Form Diploma
  • Truro School Connected

Sep 21st 2022

Lighting Up WAAs with Physical Computing Club
  • Clubs and Activities
  • Science, Maths & IT
  • Senior School
  • Sixth Form

Sep 21st 2022

Really New and Nearly New Staff Get Together
  • Senior School

Sep 21st 2022

Sixth Form Open Evening
  • Careers
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  • Senior School
  • Sixth Form
  • Sixth Form Diploma

Sep 16th 2022

New British Champion in Luke
  • Clubs and Activities
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  • Senior School
  • Sports

Sep 16th 2022

Outdoor Exploration in Nursery
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  • Nursery

Sep 16th 2022

Fun and Learning as Clubs Begin at Prep
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  • Nursery
  • Prep

Sep 16th 2022

A Busy Start to Term at Pre-Prep
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  • Nursery
  • Prep

Sep 15th 2022

A Return to Whole School Assemblies
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  • Senior School

Sep 14th 2022

Welcoming Back WAAs
  • Clubs and Activities
  • Latest
  • Senior School

Sep 14th 2022

Introducing the New Head Girl and Head Boy and Deputies
  • Community
  • Festival
  • Latest
  • Senior School
  • Sixth Form
  • Sixth Form Diploma

Sep 14th 2022

Back to Boarding
  • Boarding
  • Latest
  • Senior School
  • Sixth Form

Sep 14th 2022

Andrew Cainey CO82
  • Alumni
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Sep 14th 2022

Scott Tacchi CO07
  • Alumni
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