
Latest Truro School News

Jan 19th 2022

Getting Stuck in, in Gardening Club
  • Clubs and Activities
  • Latest
  • Senior School
  • Sustainability

Jan 18th 2022

1st Years Sporting Confidence
  • Hockey
  • Latest
  • Rugby
  • Senior School
  • Sports

Jan 18th 2022

Hosting Harlequins Rugby Warmup
  • Latest
  • Rugby
  • Senior School
  • Sports

Jan 17th 2022

The RT Hon Lord Myners CBE CO66 1948-2022
  • Alumni
  • Latest

Jan 15th 2022

Cross Country Championships 2022
  • Latest
  • Senior School
  • Sports

Jan 14th 2022

The Only Way is Ethics
  • Community
  • Humanities & Social Science
  • Senior School

Jan 14th 2022

Creativity in the Prep
  • Latest
  • Prep

Jan 13th 2022

House Cross Country at The Prep
  • Latest
  • Prep
  • Prep Sports

Jan 13th 2022

Golfing fun in WAA
  • Clubs and Activities
  • Latest
  • Senior School
  • Sports

Jan 13th 2022

Spring Term WAA Commence
  • Clubs and Activities
  • Football
  • Hockey
  • Latest
  • Senior School
  • Sports

Jan 12th 2022

5th Years Get a Taste for Truro School Sixth
  • Latest
  • Senior School
  • Sixth Form
  • Sixth Form Diploma

Jan 10th 2022

Archive Attic: 1921 Census
  • Alumni
  • Latest
  • School Archive

Jan 10th 2022

Januarys Past
  • School Archive

Jan 6th 2022

Shining Crowns to Celebrate Epiphany
  • Latest
  • Prep

Jan 6th 2022

Warm Smiles as School Returns for Spring
  • Latest
  • Nursery
  • Prep
  • Prep Sports
  • Senior School
  • Sixth Form
  • Sports

Jan 5th 2022

A Warm Welcome to New Coach Rhys Sullivan
  • Clubs and Activities
  • Football
  • Latest
  • Senior School
  • Sixth Form
  • Sports

Jan 4th 2022

Eli Sheppard CO09
  • Alumni
  • Latest

Dec 17th 2021

Drilling Down on DT
  • Art & DT
  • Latest
  • Senior School

Dec 16th 2021

SBASC Hosts the Cornwall School Games
  • Latest
  • Senior School
  • Sports

Dec 16th 2021

Sarah Roskilly CO92
  • Alumni
  • Latest