Spring Term 2025 | |
Staff INSET | Monday, 6 January |
Staff INSET | Tuesday, 7 January |
Boarders’ transport departs Heathrow at 10am Boarders return 2pm to 9pm | Tuesday, 7 January |
Term Begins | Wednesday, 8 January |
Boarders’ transport arrives Heathrow at 3pm Boarding Houses close 6pm | Friday, 14 February |
Half Term (One Week) | Monday, 17 February to Friday, 21 February |
Boarding transport departs Heathrow at 10am Boarders return 2pm to 9pm | Sunday, 23 February |
End of Term | Friday, 4 April |
Boarders’ transport arrives Heathrow at 3pm | Saturday, 5 April |
Summer Term 2025 | |
Staff INSET | Tuesday, 22 April |
Boarding transport departs Heathrow at 10am Boarders return 2pm to 9pm | Tuesday, 22 April |
Term Begins | Wednesday, 23 April |
Early May Bank Holiday | Monday, 5 May |
Boarders’ transport arrives Heathrow at 3pm Boarding Houses close 6pm | Friday, 23 May |
Half Term (One Week) | Monday, 26 May to Friday, 30 May |
Boarding transport departs Heathrow at 10am Boarders return 2pm to 9pm | Sunday, 1 June |
End of Term | Friday, 4 July |
Boarding Houses Close 10am Boarders’ Transport arrives at Heathrow 3pm | Saturday, 5 July |
Autumn Term 2025 | |
Boarders’ Transport Departs Heathrow at 10am | Monday, 1 September |
New Boarders Arrive From 2pm | Monday, 1 September |
Staff INSET | Tuesday, 2 September |
New Boarders’ Induction Day | Tuesday, 2 September |
Induction Day (all new pupils Senior and Sixth) | Wednesday, 3 September |
Existing Boarders Return From 2pm | Wednesday, 3 September |
Autumn Term Begins | Thursday, 4 September |
Boarders’ Transport Departs for Heathrow at 7am | Friday, 17 October |
Boarding Houses Close 6pm | Friday, 17 October |
Half Term (Two Weeks) | Monday, 20 October to Friday, 31 October |
Boarders’ Transport Departs Heathrow at 10am | Sunday, 2 November |
Boarders Return 2pm-9pm | Sunday, 2 November |
End of Term | Wednesday, 17 December |
Boarding Houses Close at 6pm (for all other than those on Heathrow Transport) | Wednesday, 17 December |
Boarders’ Transport Departs for Heathrow at 7am | Thursday, 18 December |
Spring Term 2026 | |
Staff INSET | Monday, 5 January |
Boarders’ Transport Departs Heathrow at 10am | Monday, 5 January |
Boarders Return 2pm-9pm | Monday, 5 January |
Term Begins | Tuesday, 6 January |
*Boarders’ Transport Departs for Heathrow at 7am | Friday, 13 February |
Boarding Houses Close at 6pm | Friday, 13 February |
Half Term (One Week) | Monday, 16 February to Friday, 20 February |
*Boarders’ Transport Departs Heathrow at 10am | Sunday, 22 February |
Boarders Return 2pm-9pm | Sunday, 22 February |
End of Term | Thursday, 2 April |
Boarding Houses Close at 6pm (for all other than those on Heathrow Transport) | Thursday, 2 April |
Boarders’ Transport Departs for Heathrow at 7am | Friday, 3 April |
Summer Term 2026 | |
Staff INSET | Monday, 20 April |
Boarders’ Transport Departs Heathrow at 10am | Tuesday, 21 April |
Boarders Return 2pm-9pm | Tuesday, 21 April |
Staff INSET | Tuesday, 21 April |
Term Begins | Wednesday, 22 April |
Early May Bank Holiday | Monday, 4 May |
*Boarders’ Transport Departs for Heathrow at 7am | Friday, 22 May |
Boarding Houses Close at 6pm | Friday, 22 May |
Half Term (One Week) | Monday, 25 May to Friday, 29 May |
*Boarders’ Transport Departs Heathrow at 10am | Sunday, 31 May |
Boarders Return 2pm-9pm | Sunday, 31 May |
End of Term | Friday, 3 July |
Boarding Houses Close at 6pm (for all other than those on Heathrow Transport) | Friday, 3 July |
Boarders’ Transport Departs for Heathrow at 7am | Saturday, 4 July |
* Boarders Heathrow transport will operate during Spring and Summer half terms provided demand is sufficient for this service.
Our school motto, Esse Quam Videri (to be, rather than to seem to be), captures the essence of our identity and is defined by the 5 C's below. Underpinned by strong Christian principles, we are a caring and inclusive community which values, nurtures and develops each individual.
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