Between Years 3 and 6 (ages 7 – 11) pupils become less involved with a singular teacher in order to take advantage of specialist subject teachers.
Subject-based teachers are first introduced in Year 3, with pupils slowly decreasing the time they spend with their main class teacher. Subject professionals are used in all lessons from Year 4 onwards, including the mainstream subjects Maths and English, right through to Modern Foreign Languages and Music.
Painting a picture in art, playacting in drama and getting out of breath in PE – these are the activities you would expect your child to enjoy at any school. In addition to the mainstream subjects, we also broaden each pupil’s horizons with a wide variety of alternative subjects. These include Computing, in the school’s IT suite, Cookery, in the school’s bespoke kitchen, Music, in the brand new Lovett Building music room, Design Technology, complete with all of the tools and gadgets in the specialist workshop, and finally, French, German and Spanish in language classrooms.
By the time your son or daughter moves on at the end of Year 6, they will have already grasped the fundamentals of key senior school subjects, putting them ahead of the class and enabling them to build upon concrete foundations in 1st Year (Year 7).
Here at Truro School Prep we believe that class sizes should be kept small in order to truly treat every child as an individual.
Our maximum class sizes are 20 and our average class size is 16.
As part of our commitment to educating and developing the whole child, we recognise the importance of providing a wide range of co-curricular activities to appeal to every taste, talent and ability. Read more about our co-curricular opportunities in our beyond the classroom section.
“Pupils demonstrate a great depth of understanding across the curriculum. They possess a strong, secure knowledge in many subjects and are able to apply such knowledge extremely well.”
ISI Inspection
Our school motto, Esse Quam Videri (to be, rather than to seem to be), captures the essence of our identity and is defined by the 5 C's below. Underpinned by strong Christian principles, we are a caring and inclusive community which values, nurtures and develops each individual.
Click on the links below to find out more.