
Clubs and Activities

At Truro School Prep, we offer an unrivalled portfolio of extra-curricular clubs and activities that sit both within our timetable and as a part of our lunchtime and before and after school clubs and activities provision.

Our Philosophy

As part of our commitment to educating and developing the whole person, we recognise the importance of providing a wide range of co-curricular activities throughout the school week.

We create opportunities during the school day for our pupils to engage in extra-curricular learning. For our youngest pupils in the Pre-Prep, this is done through daily activities including Forest School, swimming, music, drama and PE.

For our Prep pupils (Years 3-6) we offer structured off-timetable Activity Afternoons on Mondays (Years 3 and 4) and Thursdays (Years 5 and 6). Sessions rotate around activities that include cookery, bushcraft, cycling, first aid, swimming, orienteering, dance and kayaking, to name but a few.

Whilst lots of fun, these activities also form a vital component of our “beyond the classroom” approach to education, empowering our pupils to develop new skills and build their confidence, curiosity, communication and teamwork.

Combined with our academic curriculum, our varied co-curricular clubs and activities programme runs before and after school and at lunchtime. With over 70 clubs and activities on offer each week, we help students to thrive through a holistic and balanced education, giving them the opportunities to try, participate or excel in whatever talent or gift they would like to pursue. In fact, our experience is that students learn almost as much outside the classroom as they do inside.

The vast majority of our clubs and activities are covered within our fee structure. The list of activities changes from term to term but offers something for every individual and represents a key part of our education “beyond the classroom”.

View Clubs and Activities List


The Truro School Identity

Our school motto, Esse Quam Videri (to be, rather than to seem to be), captures the essence of our identity and is defined by the 5 C's below. Underpinned by strong Christian principles, we are a caring and inclusive community which values, nurtures and develops each individual.

Click on the links below to find out more.