At Truro School Prep, Drama and Music make a significant contribution to the co-curricular life with the performing arts regarded as an important opportunity for children to have fun, gain confidence and develop their talents, whether working together or as individuals.
All children in Years 3 – 6 receive two lessons of class music per week. In Year 4, all children learn an instrument as part of these music lessons. Specialist instrumental teaching staff lead these lessons with small groups of pupils focussing on strings, woodwind, brass and percussion. Instrumental tuition is also available on a large range of musical instruments and voice.
Young musicians at Truro School Prep take great pride in playing for one of our many instrumental groups, including the Orchestra, Brass Group and Samba Band. Vocalists of all ages can enjoy singing together in our choirs and soloists from across the year groups have a chance to perform at our many concerts. The choirs regularly achieve success in music festivals and sing in concerts throughout the year.
We are also very proud of our relationship with Truro Cathedral. The Boy Choristers of Truro Cathedral Choir are all educated at Truro School Prep before completing their final two years in the choir at Truro School. The Cathedral Choristers have earned an international reputation for outstanding quality, performing not only in Truro Cathedral but beyond. Directed by renowned professional musicians, they regularly undertake foreign tours, broadcast on national radio and television, and record CDs for international release. To find out more about the Truro Cathedral Chorister Scholarship programme, please visit our Boy Chorister page.
Drama is highly valued at Truro School Prep, with lessons taught by experienced drama teachers; pupils are also given the opportunity to take LAMDA speech and drama examinations.
All pupils in Years 3 – 6 receive a 35 minute drama lesson each week as part of the curriculum. Annual drama productions for each year group allow all pupils to explore their performance skills and learn confidence and key communication skills.
Each year, many pupils perform an adapted Shakespeare play in a professional theatre, and all pupils often take part in workshops with outside companies.
A highlight of the year is the Year 6 Play, in which the whole of Year 6 perform on the Burrell Theatre stage in front of a large audience; the standards of acting and singing are always highly praised.
Our school motto, Esse Quam Videri (to be, rather than to seem to be), captures the essence of our identity and is defined by the 5 C's below. Underpinned by strong Christian principles, we are a caring and inclusive community which values, nurtures and develops each individual.
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