The ethos of Forest School supports, encourages and inspires the individual’s learning process, allowing the child to learn at their own pace through curiosity in the world around them. The woodland setting promotes cooperation, communication, respect for others and of the environment. Rain or shine, the children enjoy these sessions and have the opportunity to learn and develop new skills. The children attending these Forest School sessions can develop a lifelong love and understanding of the natural environment.
At Truro School Prep we believe that learning in the outdoor environment is an integral part of every child’s journey. All children from Reception – Year 2 participate in Forest School activities throughout the year; Nursery and Reception classes have a weekly session which runs for the duration of a morning or afternoon. Years 1 and 2 receive a full afternoon session every other week. As children progress through the Prep they continue to foster a relationship where caring for and respecting nature is central to their learning. Sessions are delivered through Bushcraft activities and in completing the discovery level of the John Muir award. You can read more about the John Muir award on the Year 5 Curriculum page.
Our Forest School nurtures creativity and curiosity through exploration and play, using a full range of experiences to explore and share creative thoughts, ideas and feelings. Our Forest School leaders are also fully-trained teachers who understand and meet all the different needs of our children.
At Truro School we believe that through Forest School, children will:
1) Enchanted Garden
This area is a contained area behind Reception.
2) Early Years Foundation Stage Area (Yn Kessenyans)
Yn Kessenyans (Cornish for ‘in harmony’) is a wildlife area, situated behind Willday House. It includes a handful of mature trees in amongst some young immature trees planted in 2012 by the children. These trees were kindly donated to us through the Woodland Trust. Bamboo tunnels, cherry trees and willow are all features of this area.
3) Outdoor Classroom
The outdoor classroom is a wonderful resource that gives us more flexibility when unexpected weather occurs. This was designed and built with the help of some of the older children as part of the John Muir Award Scheme.
4) Main Woods
Situated near the tennis courts, to the right of the school, our main woods consist primarily of broadleaf woodland, with some specimen trees present. This area suffered considerable storm damage a few years ago and has been another area that we have committed time and energy to replant.
Giving back
We recently organised an activity day for some of Cornwall’s Young Carers. These amazing little super heroes enjoyed a day of adventure and fun playing in the woods. We look forward to seeing them for another adventure soon.
Truro School is committed to continued investment in professional development, furthering teachers’ subject knowledge. In 2019 the Forest School leader attended:
When and where ever possible, the school ensures that this information is cascaded down to other staff members or interested schools.
Forest School sessions are run with high adult to child ratios and are mindful of delivering a fully comprehensive Forest School experience.
Whilst our Forest School is led by qualified leaders, it does not report, assess or judge children. Children learn to develop and grow their appreciation of the outdoor environment whilst managing their own risks.
Our school motto, Esse Quam Videri (to be, rather than to seem to be), captures the essence of our identity and is defined by the 5 C's below. Underpinned by strong Christian principles, we are a caring and inclusive community which values, nurtures and develops each individual.
Click on the links below to find out more.