
GL Assessment Primary Test (PT)

Truro School Prep operates a termly assessment programme for English and maths, one of several inputs that allow the tracking and monitoring of a pupil’s progression and attainment across an academic year and through the School.

The end-of-year assessments in Years 3-6 use the GL Assessment Primary Test (PT) Series in English, maths and science. The PT Series provide a standardised score that enables a comparison against the national average and within Truro School Prep. Standardised scores generally range from 70-140 with 100 being the national average.

The table below shows the average results for pupils in Truro School Prep for the academic year 2023-2024.

Please note that all scores for pupils currently enrolled in Truro School Prep are available on request from the parents. Parents also receive their child’s end-of-year results for all subjects in the Summer Term report. 

PT Series – Average Standardised Scores – 2023-24
Year 3113115124
Year 4105113118
Year 5107113120
Year 6110112117


The vast majority of the Year 6 Prep pupils progress into Truro School Senior at the end of Year 6. Over the past three years, over 99% of Truro School Prep pupils who have sat the Senior School admissions test have made the transition from Truro School Prep to Truro School Senior.