
Outstanding Pastoral Care

Starting a new school can be a little daunting for any child. We enable a smooth transition by running a number of activities in the summer term for new starters. This means that your son or daughter can make new friends in a more relaxed atmosphere before they start the academic year at Truro School Prep.

Taster days are also available throughout the year, allowing your child to dip their toes in the water before jumping straight in. A typical taster day will shadow a normal day’s timetable. This is likely to include at least one core subject alongside a range of lessons in PE, art, music or drama.

Your child will be buddied with a peer pupil who will guide them through the day’s activities, keeping them company at break and lunch times and showing them around the school grounds.

Creating a safe and happy school environment

During their time at Truro School Prep, pupils learn more about the world through our Personal, Social and Health and Economic Education (PSHEE) programme. The various year groups learn age-relevant information about topics such as relationships, how to keep safe when using IT, and what to do if a classmate looks unhappy. Topics are further reinforced with themed assemblies, visiting sessions, day excursions and residential trips in Years 4, 5 and 6.

On top of our PSHEE programme, we hold a weekly pastoral care meeting for our staff to make sure all are regularly updated on the needs of each and every child. Our pastoral support team consists of the pastoral lead with two supporting staff members and the school chaplain, each of whom are available for regular 1:1 sessions or group meetings with pupils where required.

We also have Tayto, our school therapy dog, who is a fully fledged, furry member of our school community.

Open door policy

We operate an open door policy for parents and offer arranged appointment evenings to give academic and pastoral feedback. Parents are always welcome to come in to talk through any concerns in detail. Points of contact include the Pastoral Care Coordinator, your child’s form tutor and the Head of Prep.

There are also weekly parents’ coffee mornings held after drop off time – an opportunity to mix with other parents and get involved in the active Friends of Truro School events throughout the year.

“Happiness plays a fundamental role in enjoying a proper childhood. It is for this reason that my team and I are here to make sure that the welfare of your child is monitored each and every day. I look forward to meeting you in the near future to discuss your child’s seamless introduction to Truro School Prep.”

Maggie Issaka, Head of Pastoral Care

The Truro School Identity

Our school motto, Esse Quam Videri (to be, rather than to seem to be), captures the essence of our identity and is defined by the 5 C's below. Underpinned by strong Christian principles, we are a caring and inclusive community which values, nurtures and develops each individual.

Click on the links below to find out more.