We aim to inspire a life-long interest in learning, equipping pupils with the essential skills to tackle the future with confidence and a degree of independence, and to succeed in whatever careers they choose.
We also believe that pupils’ abilities are not fixed and that as they progress through their schooling, they will all grow and develop intellectually and discover new talents. A balanced education is provided which includes creative, cultural, spiritual and sporting dimensions alongside academic rigour. As they progress through the school, pupils are provided with opportunities to develop good social skills, confidence and leadership qualities.
The school has extensive computer facilities and the use of ICT is integrated fully into teaching and learning. All academic departments have Virtual Learning Environments accessible from both within the school and from home. These provide pupils with many electronic resources to help support teaching and provide opportunities for personalised learning.
With active learning and differentiated approaches to teaching, all pupils are engaged as much as possible in developing the skills and confidence necessary to help them become truly independent and creative thinkers.
Approaches to learning are as important as attainment, and subject teachers report on attitude in lessons, independent study and organisation. Frequent reports help form the basis of target setting, and we encourage pupils to have a personal sense of responsibility and engagement in the learning process.
At Truro School you can rest assured that we have excellent teaching staff; inspectors recently recognised our talented and dedicated teachers by awarding us ‘Double Excellent’ status, the top grades possible.
Set in the heart of the school, The Dodd Library is a welcoming environment where pupils and staff can study, research, collaborate or read.
In our light-filled space that maximises a beautiful picture window, we have created different study areas to meet the needs of pupils and staff. Divided into junior and senior areas, both fiction and non-fiction are easily accessible with displays, advice and recommendations to persuade even the most reluctant reader to pick up a book.
Staffed by a team of friendly, knowledgeable and well-qualified librarians, help is always on hand for advice on reading and research. Stocked with journals, newspapers, audible books, DVDs and CDs and online resources, there any many routes to enrich pupils’ learning experiences.
Our school motto, Esse Quam Videri (to be, rather than to seem to be), captures the essence of our identity and is defined by the 5 C's below. Underpinned by strong Christian principles, we are a caring and inclusive community which values, nurtures and develops each individual.
Click on the links below to find out more.