The beginning of Senior School is an exciting time for our pupils. Pupils will study English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry and Physics, French and German, Geography, History, Religious Studies, Art, Design &Technology, Music and ICT. All pupils have PE as well as Games each week.
Those that find the study of two languages difficult during the 2nd Year will be offered the opportunity to drop to a single language in the 3rd Year. The single languages we offer are French, German and beginners’ Spanish. All pupils can take up beginners Spanish as a GCSE in the 4th Year.
Between 1st Year and 5th Year, the average class size at Truro School is 22. Keeping class sizes small is an essential ingredient in maintaining an engaging learning environment. Teachers at Truro School really get to know each pupil’s strengths and weaknesses, helping them to excel. The high levels of support from teachers at Truro School results in a distinctive classroom atmosphere. Students actively embrace curiosity in their learning, creating a culture where pupils are encouraged to ask questions and gain a greater depth of understanding.
Find out more about the subjects studied in the 1st – 3rd Year by clicking here.
All students in the 1st Year through to Lower Sixth have timetabled life skills lessons, called PSHEE. Listed below are the subjects covered in the first three years.
1st Year: Settling in, Self-esteem, Praise and Criticism, Resilience , Good Friendships, Values and Goals, Learning skills, Teamwork Skills, Communication Skills, Sleep and Exercise, Balanced lifestyle, Puberty, Health Services, Bullying and abuse, Appropriate language , Internet Safety, Personal safety, First Aid.
2nd Year: Human Rights, Diversity, Prejudice and Discrimination, FGM, Improving Communities, The Justice System, Peer Pressure, Groups and Gangs, Functions and Uses of Money, Money and Morality, UK Political System, Voting and Elections, Political Parties, Love and Friendship, Intimacy and Consent, Feelings and emotions, Sex and relationships education and Contraception
3rd Year: Human Rights, Diversity, Prejudice and Discrimination, FGM, Improving Communities, The Justice System, GCSE options, Types of work and business, Aspiration and Employability, Enterprise, Employment Law for Young People, Forced Marriage, Stable Relationships, Separation and Divorce, Loss and Bereavement
One of the major strands of PSHEE is Sex and Relationships Education and this features in some way in all year groups. We do hope that all pupils will take part in these lessons and workshops as an important part of their education. However, parents may withdraw their son or daughter from any aspect of the programme by writing to the Headmaster. To view our SRE Policy click here.
Our school motto, Esse Quam Videri (to be, rather than to seem to be), captures the essence of our identity and is defined by the 5 C's below. Underpinned by strong Christian principles, we are a caring and inclusive community which values, nurtures and develops each individual.
Click on the links below to find out more.