Pupils will have a chance to extend their skills further through after-school activities, workshops and the Wednesday afternoon Art clubs.
In the 2nd Year, pupils are involved with the Combined Truro Schools Art Events, which enables them to work with pupils and staff from other schools. This is all concluded with their work going on show in an exhibition at a local gallery.
In the 1st Year, pupils begin the course by studying Cells and developing their microscope skills. They then go on to study Reproduction in Plants and Humans as well as Variation, Inheritance, Evolution, and Interdependence.
Pupils in the 2nd Year enjoy a diverse course including the Musculoskeletal System, Nutrition and Digestion, Respiration, Breathing, and Photosynthesis.
In the 3rd Year, pupils begin studying the AQA GCSE Biology syllabus, where they explore Biology, Chemistry and Physics as separate subjects.
For 1st and 2nd Years we aim to encourage and extend the ablest through our teaching and in competitions such as the Salters’ Festival of Chemistry and the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Top of the Bench competition.
In the 3rd Year, pupils start their AQA GCSE Chemistry course. During the course they observe molecular modelling and the use of ICT to help them visualise the microscopic world.
In the 1st Year, pupils have taught ICT lessons where they are introduced to the software available on the school network, Virtual Learning Environments, including Moodle and Cloud computing. They are also taught how to work safely online. Pupils are introduced to programming, with a choice of languages and other opportunities, for example stop motion animation.
In the 3rd Year, all pupils follow the AQA Functional Skills course, which equips them with the knowledge required to be digitally competent and fluent in IT skills. This Level 2 course is equivalent to a GCSE and is examined during a week long period in the spring.
In Key Stage 3 pupils will undertake three projects each year, which become progressively more challenging. These seek to provide students with an opportunity to be creative and develop their problem-solving skills through handling a mixture of materials, tools and (CNC) machinery. They will learn confidence through practical work in our very well accommodated workshops, as well as how computer-aided design supports ‘modern-day’ manufacturing.
Our aim is to inspire in pupils a love for design and manufacture, and an appreciation for materials and the environment, through developing an appreciation of how traditional methods and contemporary practices can complement each other.
Although drama is not a curriculum subject in the first two years, there is no shortage of opportunities for those with theatrical leanings. Each year there is a junior play in the summer term, and can be taken as a Wednesday afternoon activity.
In collaboration with the English Department, a Shakespeare Festival is held for all 2nd Year students. During this event, every member of the year group performs on stage in a Shakespeare-focused dramatic presentation.
Drama can be taken as an option in the third year. Pupils develop core performance skills and explore various genres mainly through practical work.
Enrichment of the curriculum through active learning and co-curricular activities is vital to our approach. The 2nd Years’ annual Shakespeare Festival is one example, when weeks of classroom work culminates in each tutor group performing Shakespeare plays. Other examples include:
The weekly Junior Readers’ Club, the annual Junior Bookworm Competition, the Kids’ Literature Quiz, Poetry Writing and Speaking competitions, the Everybody Writes workshop and script writing activities
In the 1st and 2nd Years we cover a variety of topics such as Map Skills, Tectonics, Settlements, Coasts, Crime and Rivers. Fieldwork is completed so that pupils can appreciate data collection and develop a range of skills.
In the 3rd Year pupils consider topics such as Globalisation, Development and Tourism. At all times we integrate the importance of Map Skills, Data Manipulation and Interpretation.
In the 1st Year, pupils focus on Medieval England. They study the Norman Conquest, the lives of different social groups in Medieval England and medieval warfare. The 2nd Years follow the English Reformation, the Civil War and ‘Glorious Revolution’ and the transformation of Britain in to an industrial power in the 18th and 19th Centuries. The 3rd Year looks at the First World War, the rise of the Nazis and the pivotal episodes of the Second World War.
In the 1st to 3rd Years, all pupils cover the same basic course and sit the same exams to enable them to find their own level by the time they enter the 4th Year. This way, no one is disadvantaged and the brightest will be in a good position to aim for top grades.
In the 1st Year, all pupils will follow a language carousel during the first term, in which they will gain exposure to French, German and Spanish, on rotation. They will select their preferred two languages to continue from January and pick up their second language in the 2nd Year, where they will study both languages. As a general rule, no pupil can pick up a new language ab initio in the 3rd Year, however we will review individual cases and previous experience to ensure that entrants into the 3rd Year have a smooth transition into studying a language. Where support is required, this must be communicated to the Head of Modern Languages who will advise on individual circumstances.
In the 1st Year, the pupils look at topics such as Astronomy (making use of the school telescope), Forces, Energy and Electricity. In the 2nd Year the pupils study Heat, Magnetism, Sound and Light. And in the 3rd Year pupils use more of their mathematical skills to help describe and explain the Physics. Pupils follow the AQA GCSE and GCSE subject material is introduced in the 3rd Year.
In the 1st Year, pupils focus on topics to help settle them into secondary school, such as friendships, managing anxieties, internet safety and how to spot and challenge bullying.
In the 2nd Year, the focus is wider with pupils considering human rights and politics as well as exploring more personal issues such as relationships and sex education and how to handle peer pressure.
During the 3rd Year, pupils spend some time considering options ahead of their GCSE choices as well as talking about drugs, relationship changes and mental health.
Physical Education is compulsory for all 1st to 3rd Year pupils with a 100 minute lesson every other week.
There is also a weekly games programme for 1st-3rd Years. Boys will follow full term blocks of work in Rugby, Football and Cricket. Girls undertake Netball, Hockey, Tennis and Rounders. In both PE and Games, pupils are assessed at the end of each block of work.
1st and 2nd Year pupils enjoy a varied curriculum encompassing religion, philosophy and ethics. Topics include creation, rites of passage, moral decision making and arguments for the existence of God. A project on the school’s Methodist heritage develops students understanding in this important area.
Our school motto, Esse Quam Videri (to be, rather than to seem to be), captures the essence of our identity and is defined by the 5 C's below. Underpinned by strong Christian principles, we are a caring and inclusive community which values, nurtures and develops each individual.
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