By this stage, pupils have had freedom of choice. GCSE options are made early in the Spring Term of the 3rd Year.
At Truro School, the norm is to study for nine GCSE/IGCSE qualifications. The compulsory core provides five of these, enhanced with four guided options, achieving a good balance between breadth and depth. We are more concerned about giving pupils the opportunity to excel with the quality of their results than with the quantity.
Compulsory subjects include: English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, and Combined Science: Trilogy (equivalent to two GCSEs).
All pupils have non-examined lessons in Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHEE), Games, Religious Studies and the Truro School Portfolio.
Pupils choose a maximum of four options. This provides flexibility to cater for those pupils who are more inclined towards studying the Humanities, Modern Foreign Languages, the Creative Arts or Sciences. For a balanced curriculum, pupils are recommended to select at least one Humanity, one Modern Foreign Language and one Creative Arts subject. We will also aim to be flexible and consider variations to this guided structure according to the interests, skills and ability of individuals. Note that it is possible to study more than one Humanity, more than one Modern Foreign Language, more than one Creative Arts subject or more than one Science option.
Please visit the 14-16 Subjects page to download a guide to 4th and 5th Year Curriculum and Examination Options.
All students in the 1st Year through to Lower Sixth have timetabled lessons of PSHEE. Listed below are the subjects covered during the GCSE years.
4th Year: Human rights and international law, The legal system in the UK, Diversity in the UK, How to improve your Community, Health and Safety, Personal Safety, Positive and Negative Relationships, Consent, Impact of Drugs and Alcohol, Gender double standards, Sex and relationships education, Self esteem, Mental and emotional health, Body image and cosmetic procedures.
5th Year: Post-16 and Post-18 Options, Parenting Skills, Unintended pregnancy options, Social Media, Cults, Intolerance and Extremism, Career Identity, Work Experience, Work Attitude and Values, Sexting, Impact of sex in the media, Pornography, Discrimination and Harassment (in the workplace), Rights and Responsibilities at work.
One of the major strands of PSHEE is Sex and Relationships Education and this features in some way in all year groups. We do hope that all pupils will take part in these lessons and workshops as an important part of their education. However, parents may withdraw their son or daughter from any aspect of the programme by writing to the Headmaster. To view our SRE Policy click here.
Our school motto, Esse Quam Videri (to be, rather than to seem to be), captures the essence of our identity and is defined by the 5 C's below. Underpinned by strong Christian principles, we are a caring and inclusive community which values, nurtures and develops each individual.
Click on the links below to find out more.