Individual pupils learn in different ways, but whatever their needs, gifts and talents our teachers support them in a wholly inclusive environment.
Our Learning Support Department has a team of four well-qualified staff who supplement classroom teaching, providing individual support if required. The Head of Learning Support also provides staff INSET on pupils with specific learning difficulties. On occasions, pupils are observed in lessons by the learning support team to help contextualise. The feedback this provides enhances the teaching and learning.
All 1st Year pupils and new pupils in the 2nd and 3rd Years are given a dyslexia screener and baseline assessment of reading, spelling and speed of handwriting. Transfer records from previous schools are also used. Further information is provided by nationally standardised tests taken early in the 1st Year and 3rd Year (MiDYIS) and Lower Sixth (ALIS).
To help identify a need for extra support lessons, a Diagnostic Assessment of Specific Learning Difficulties is required. This can be obtained through a variety of means, and our Head of Learning Support can advise on this. Pupils from the 1st to 3rd Years are withdrawn from lessons on a rotational basis to avoid undue disruption to the curriculum. To ensure examination classes are not disrupted, the 4th to 5th Years and Sixth Form have their support lessons at lunchtimes, study periods or after school.
Individual Educational Programmes (IEPs) are written twice a year for staff, and parents are provided with these alongside feedback on progress in school reports. Parents are also invited to two review meetings each year.
For Sixth Form students wishing to go to university, there is a specialised Diagnostic Assessment for Disability Students’ Allowance (DSA) and although we do not do administer this service we do provide contact details for those agencies qualified to do so.
School dogs Bumble and Maverick fulfil their role as help and support companions. The aim of having the dogs present is for them to be able to assist children who have special needs, suffer bereavement or who are upset in any way and are in need of calm, comfort, and space before being able to tell an adult what has upset them, or could even hear children read that may help improve confidence.
Children are able to pat and play under strict supervision at certain times of the day. They are also taught how to behave when with them and how to be safe around dogs in general.
Our school motto, Esse Quam Videri (to be, rather than to seem to be), captures the essence of our identity and is defined by the 5 C's below. Underpinned by strong Christian principles, we are a caring and inclusive community which values, nurtures and develops each individual.
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