Drama is an integral part of the fabric of Truro School life. Students learn core drama skills: vocal projection and articulation, spatial and body awareness, through to studying plays and the characters, stories and themes contained within the plays. Students learn not only about themselves and what makes them ‘tick’, but about the world around them and how the arts explore and comment on the world. The process involved in putting on a play teaches a student the invaluable life skills of creativity, adaptability, compromise, collaboration and self-confidence.
The school runs a number of major productions throughout the year including the annual whole school play or musical, an annual sixth form drama project (including performing at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival every two years) and the junior play in the summer term.
If your child loves the stage then they will feel right at home in our 200-seat Burrell Theatre. Fully equipped with a sound and lighting rig, it is a magnet for touring production companies. What could be more inspiring than standing on the same stage as the professionals?
Pupils will have a chance to work with Mr Kearey,Technical Resources Manager, to learn technical skills relating to theatre sound, lighting and stage management, leading to involvement in the technical delivery of school events and productions.
During LAMDA Speech & Drama classes, students are prepared for examinations in one of the following disciplines: Speaking Verse & Prose, Public Speaking, Acting, Musical Theatre and Mime.
LAMDA exams run from Grade 1 to 8, like music grades. Students also perform a selection of their exam pieces each year in the Burrell Theatre.
Although drama is not a curriculum subject in the first two years, there is no shortage of opportunities for those with theatrical leanings. Each year there is a junior play in the summer term, and, in the first two terms, drama can be taken as a Wednesday afternoon activity.
In collaboration with the English Department, a Shakespeare Festival is held for all 2nd Year students. During this event, every member of the year group performs on stage in a Shakespeare-focused dramatic presentation.
Drama GCSE can be taken as an option in the third year.
A-level drama offers students the opportunity to explore a range of inspirational set texts, create their own work and develop their performance skills to a significantly high level. You can read more about our A-Level Drama course in our Sixth Form Guide.
Our school motto, Esse Quam Videri (to be, rather than to seem to be), captures the essence of our identity and is defined by the 5 C's below. Underpinned by strong Christian principles, we are a caring and inclusive community which values, nurtures and develops each individual.
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