We are delighted to announce that Truro School has achieved ‘Excellent’ across both standards in the latest inspection by the Independent Schools Inspectorate, the best possible grades.
Quality of pupils’ academic and other achievements:
Quality of pupils’ personal development:
The ISI is a government-approved inspectorate responsible for auditing independent schools. They assess a wealth of areas including safeguarding, the quality and effectiveness of education, care, welfare and personal development of children in schools.
During a full inspection ISI assess two key areas of school performance:
-The achievement of the pupils, including their academic development.
-The personal development of the pupils.
One of four scores is then awarded to summarise the performance of schools in the above-mentioned key areas; excellent, good, sound or unsatisfactory.
“I am delighted with this inspection report which captures the essence of our school rather beautifully. It highlights just how much there is to celebrate about our pupils, our staff and our place in the community. When I walk around school each day I observe boys and girls who love being here, who are happy, who are kind, and who are determined to be the best versions of themselves. The team of inspectors from the ISI who visited us recognised all of these qualities and have judged us to be excellent in all areas. It is very gratifying to be judged as so successful in achieving our aims and the report is a source of renewed determination as we continue our drive to be the leading independent day and boarding school in the South West.”
Our school motto, Esse Quam Videri (to be, rather than to seem to be), captures the essence of our identity and is defined by the 5 C's below. Underpinned by strong Christian principles, we are a caring and inclusive community which values, nurtures and develops each individual.
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