To truly help you be the best that you can be, and to fully prepare you for life after A-Levels, we run a series of programmes focused on character development outside of the classroom.
Every student who passes through our Sixth Form leaves a mark on our community and it is through these additional programmes and constant buzz of events and activities that our students really develop an identity and skill-set to prepare them for the challenges of adult life.
We believe that studying A-Levels shouldn’t mean you have to give up your other interests; balance is important and co-curricular activities play a vital role in preparing students for the pressures of the exam room, as well as providing improved wellbeing and mental toughness.
Our Life and Employability Skills programme runs throughout the Lower and Upper Sixth. It helps students make well-educated and informed choices, whilst respecting the independence of each individual. The programme is designed to prepare you for the journey ahead and gives you a firm understanding of the common threats and challenges that you may face. Students also get to take part in our Post 18 Options Days where you will get the opportunity to meet a range of entrepreneurs and high-profile visitors from leading businesses and universities. With a multitude of talks and seminars going on at the same time, you can dip into the sessions that interest you specifically, gaining first-hand insight from those at the top.
Truro School has a strong tradition of leadership and responsibility and all students are given the opportunity to nurture and develop active leadership skills during the Sixth Form. Visit our Leadership pages to find out about the Prefect System, Committees and Events and ACHE.