Throughout each school year, there are a number of careers events, including psychometric testing, one-to-one interviews, timetabled career sessions and a dedicated resource centre, as well as business lunches, allowing students to get a taste of various professions during their time at Truro School. As pupils progress into the Sixth Form, they are supported with extensive and highly personalised guidance.
You can view a copy of our careers programme using the link below.
The world of work is changing dramatically as businesses adopt new technology, ideas, and working patterns; there are many jobs which students and parents may be completely unaware of and others which have changed beyond recognition in the last few years. Through our Careers Service we assist you in creating a plan for your future education and career.
Before joining Truro School Mrs Kenward, our Head of Careers, worked for five years as a Recruitment Consultant where she interviewed, skills checked and advised job hunters on a daily basis.
We foster close links with our former pupils who regularly offer guidance to pupils through talks and one-to-one advice. Whichever careers you consider, there will be someone in the know who can help.
Psychometric testing to reveal more about who you are
One-to-one interviews with our Careers specialists
Career lunches – a chance to speak to industry experts in a relaxed setting so you can get under the skin of different careers including law, finance, the creative industries, self-employment and many more.
Timetabled Career Sessions on managing your money, interview techniques, gap years, apprenticeships, further study and living away from home.
Making use of our network of former students and parents who advise, mentor and provide work experience for you.